Warning: The originals photos, texts, films, music, etc ... of the period previous to 1921 year -see the Act of the US Congress about it - have no copyright and belong to the public domain. However, those same pictures, I process this blog, when I restore and paint the pictures, then the right of modification is produced, ie that are protected by full copyright law, in this case mine. Of course there are many more laws in the world, declared in the public domain photographs (which is the topic at hand), in very later dates to the aforementioned (Example: WWII, Korea, etc ...) .

Monday, July 1, 2019

New Posts - Nuevos Posts

New Posts - Nuevos-Posts


I have posted three post in my other Blog (about the period 1925-1950), that maybe you might want to take a look at them. One about the Japanese Austin 6x4 'Chiyoda type' and two about the Afghan Lancia-Ansaldo, discovered in Kabul by NATO troops in 2001.
You can access by clicking on the icon of the corresponding sidebar or with these links:


He publicado tres post en mi otro Blog (sobre el período 1925-1950), que quizás os pueda interesar echarles una ojeada. Uno sobre el Austin japonés 6x4 'Tipo Chiyoda' y dos sobre el Lancia-Ansaldo afgano, descubierto en Kabul por tropas de la OTAN en 2001.
Podéis acceder clikeando en el icono de la barra lateral correspondiente o con estos enlaces:


Sunday, June 30, 2019
Japanese Austin Mk. IV Armored Car M1932, Chiyoda Type.

Sunday, June 30, 2019
Afgan Lancia-Ansaldo 1ZM Armored Car, Model 1918 modified in 1928. (Side view).

Sunday, June 30, 2019
Afgan Lancia-Ansaldo 1ZM Armored Car, Model 1918 modified in 1928. (Three quarter view).

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