Monday, June 15, 2015

Hello again - Hola nuevamente

Hello again.

A friendly follower of this blog, which from here appreciate the detail, has sent me this pair of photographs. The've restored and colored, so I hope to serve as an example of my work, in relation to images, that you made in this blog. I would appreciate to the readers of this blog, send me any news or photograph (non-current, as your criterion), to complete my book on the history of armored cars during the first months of the Great War (August-December 1914). You can send them to me directly to my mail, or sending me links to photos, texts, books or websites.

Thank you very much,

Jose Luis Castillo

P.S.- The photographs restored and colored by me, yes have copyright, precisely for the work that I realize on them. But the photographs and texts original of that time (until 1921) they do not have copyright and are in the public domain.


Hola nuevamente.

Un amable seguidor de este blog, al que desde aquí agradezco el detalle, me ha enviado este par de fotografías. Las presento a continuación restauradas y coloreadas. Espero que sirvan para dar una idea del trabajo que realizo en este blog. Agradecería a los lectores de este blog que me enviaseis cualquier noticia o fotografía (no corrientes, según vuestro criterio), para completar mi libro sobre la historia de los coches blindados durante los primeros meses de la Gran Guerra (agosto-diciembre de 1914). Podeis mandármelos directamente a mi correo, o bien enviarme enlaces a textos, fotografías, imágenes, libros o webs.

Muchas gracias,

José Luis Castillo

P.S.- Las fotos que yo restauro y coloreo, sí tienen derecho de autor, precisamente por el trabajo que yo realizo sobre ellas. Pero las fotografías y textos originales de esa época (hasta 1921) no tienen derechos de autor y son del dominio público.


  1. AlbertWarsawPolandJune 26, 2015 at 6:38 PM

    Good luck, I'm waiting for your book, when do you think it will be published?

    Best Regards,

  2. Hello Albert, I hope to publish as soon as possible, but I need some time to finish.
    Best Regards,

    Jose Luis
