Saturday, March 30, 2013

Clarifying note - Nota aclaratoria

Clarifying note:

A few months ago I switched to Picassa visibility option of my blogs. The result was, in seconds, the disappearance of all the images in my blogs on the Web This what I saw when using the Google Search mode: "IMAGES". Also broken, lost or changed all internal and external links to my three Blogs.
My blog (Tanks, Armored Cars, Self-Propelled Guns and Support Vehicles) dedicated to fighting vehicles of the period from 1924 to 1950, has not been indexed by Google, and this after several months since the "accident".And that is a child of Google Blogger!
Even this blog (Armored Cars in the WWI) has not been indexed, until a couple of weeks.
Many other users Picassa, by that very act of changing visibility, have lost all your data and pictures. This is a serious problem that occurs daily on the Web, and Google should, promptly and diligently to find a solution.
I arrived to wonder seriously definitely close blogs or close them to visitors, as they had deleted a large number of images of my blogs.
To face these challenges, opened two new blogs that I serve as a comparative test. Also created with the idea of
​​using them to dump all information from blogs damaged.
Finally only one I stopped: Armored Vehicles of the WWI, where new posts have gone up, parallel to submit to this.
As the problem of broken links still not been solved, I'll follow up posts, indistinctly in this and the other new blog.

These are the 16 posts that have gone up in "Armored Vehicles of the WWI":

* Lancia Armoured Railcar belonging to the Railway Protection, Repair and Maintenance Corps (R.P.R.&.M.C.) of the Irish National Army, 1922.
* British Lanchester Armoured Car, belonging to RACD-RNAS. Captured by the Germans in Tarnopol area, Galicia, Austria, summer of 1917.
* French Renault Armored Car (Auto-Mitrailleuse Renault) Model 1915. November 1915, Lorraine.
* 'Daimler-Guinness', British Improvised Daimler Armoured Lorry. Rising of Easter Week, Dublin, 1916.
* 'The Bird Cage', British Improvised Crossley Partly-Armoured Car. Dublin, 1920.
* British Isotta-Fraschini Jarrot Armoured Car. Built for the Russian Army in 1914. Only a prototype was manufactured.
* British Lanchester and Ford T Armoured Cars of the RNAS in Romania, summer of 1916.
* U.S. Davidson-Duryea Machine Gun Car. 1899.
* British Peerless Armoured Car. Ireland, 1921.
* Russian Austin Armored Car 1st Series called “Slav” «Славянин» belonging to the 21st Automobile Machine Gun Platoon.
* Belgian Peugeot Armored Cars (Auto-Canons-Mitrailleuses Mle. 1915). Ceded by France to the Belgian Army. Belgium, Ypres, 1918.
* German Daimler leichte Kraftwagen (BaK) with a Krupp 7.7-cm L/27 Anti-Aircraft Gun M1914.
* Auto-Mitrailleuse Charron de la Chevalerie Française. Amiens, France, 1914.
* Dragons on reconnaissance patrol. French Cavalry. Northern Front, France, 1914.
* Reiterpatrouille. Austro-Hungarian Cavalry Patrol. Eastern Front, 1915.
* U.S. Motorcycle MG Platoon. Fort Brown, Texas, USA, 1916.

In this link you can visit the new blog:

You can also enter from the sidebar of this blog, click the image pointing arrows.

Thanks for your patience with my "disclaimer".
Jose Luis Castillo

PS-A few days after posting this "Clarification Note" reappear again as normal photographs and illustrations of my blogs on "Images" of Google. Well by chance (in that I do not believe) or because someone from Google has unlocked the loop that prevented the seeker read, the question is who are now visible.
If the second option has been the cause of the recovery of images, thank you very much for that. Now, slowly, I recovered to the level of visits he had four months ago.


Nota aclaratoria:

Hace unos meses cambié en Picassa la opción de visibilidad de mis blogs. El resultado fue, en cuestión de segundos, la desaparición de todas las imágenes de mis blogs en la Red. Esto lo pude comprobar al utilizar la opción de búsqueda de Google: "IMÁGENES". También se rompieron, se perdieron o se modificaron todos los enlaces internos y externos de mis tres Blogs.
Mi blog (Tanks, Armored Cars, Self-Propelled Guns and Support Vehicles) dedicado a los vehículos de combate del período 1924-1950, aún no ha sido indexado por Google, y esto después de los varios meses transcurridos desde el “accidente”. ¡Y eso que Blogger es hijo de Google!
Incluso este mismo blog (Armored Cars in the WWI) no ha sido indexado, hasta hace un par de semanas.  
Otros muchos usuarios de Picassa, por ese mismo acto de cambio de visibilidad, han perdido todos sus datos e imágenes. Este es un grave problema que ocurre diariamente en la Red, y al que Google debería, con prontitud y diligencia, dar una solución.
Llegué a plantearme seriamente el cerrar definitivamente los blogs, o bien cerrarlos a los visitantes, ya que se habían borrado un gran número de imágenes de mis blogs.
Para enfrentarme a estos problemas, abrí dos nuevos blogs que me sirvieran a modo de tests comparativos.También los creé con la idea de utilizarlos para volcar en ellos toda la información de los blogs dañados.
Finalmente sólo dejé uno de ellos: Armored Vehicles of the WWI, en el que he ido subiendo nuevos posts, paralelamente a los subidos a éste.
Como el problema de los enlaces rotos todavía no se ha solucionado, voy a seguir subiendo posts, indistintamente en éste y en el otro nuevo blog.

Estos son los 16 posts que he ido subiendo en "Armored Vehicles of the WWI":

* Lancia Armoured Railcar belonging to the Railway Protection, Repair and Maintenance Corps (R.P.R.&.M.C.) of the Irish National Army, 1922.
* British Lanchester Armoured Car, belonging to RACD-RNAS. Captured by the Germans in Tarnopol area, Galicia, Austria, summer of 1917.
* French Renault Armored Car (Auto-Mitrailleuse Renault) Model 1915. November 1915, Lorraine.
* 'Daimler-Guinness', British Improvised Daimler Armoured Lorry. Rising of Easter Week, Dublin, 1916.
* 'The Bird Cage', British Improvised Crossley Partly-Armoured Car. Dublin, 1920.
* British Isotta-Fraschini Jarrot Armoured Car. Built for the Russian Army in 1914. Only a prototype was manufactured.
* British Lanchester and Ford T Armoured Cars of the RNAS in Romania, summer of 1916.
* U.S. Davidson-Duryea Machine Gun Car. 1899.
* British Peerless Armoured Car. Ireland, 1921.
* Russian Austin Armored Car 1st Series called “Slav” «Славянин» belonging to the 21st Automobile Machine Gun Platoon.
* Belgian Peugeot Armored Cars (Auto-Canons-Mitrailleuses Mle. 1915). Ceded by France to the Belgian Army. Belgium, Ypres, 1918.
* German Daimler leichte Kraftwagen (BaK) with a Krupp 7.7-cm L/27 Anti-Aircraft Gun M1914.
* Auto-Mitrailleuse Charron de la Chevalerie Française. Amiens, France, 1914.
* Dragons on reconnaissance patrol. French Cavalry. Northern Front, France, 1914.
* Reiterpatrouille. Austro-Hungarian Cavalry Patrol. Eastern Front, 1915.
* U.S. Motorcycle MG Platoon. Fort Brown, Texas, USA, 1916.

En este enlace podéis visitar el nuevo blog:

También podéis entrar desde la barra lateral de este blog, pinchando en la imagen que señalan las flechas.

Gracias por vuestra paciencia con mi “Nota aclaratoria”.
José Luis Castillo

P.S.- Unos días después de publicar esta "Nota aclaratoria", nuevamente vuelven a aparecer con total normalidad las fotografías e ilustraciones de mis blogs en "Imágenes" de Google.  Bien por casualidad (en la que poco creo) o bien porque alguien desde Google ha desbloqueado el bucle que impedía al buscador leerlas, la cuestión es que ahora ya son visibles.
Si ha sido la segunda opción la causa de la recuperación de las imágenes, muchas gracias por ello. Ahora, poco a poco, voy recuperando el nivel de visitas que tenía hace cuatro meses.

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